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Screw press crusher
一、Overview of screw press crusher:
As the name implies, the screw press crusher uses the forced extrusion technology to forcibly squeeze raw materials such as wood chips and bamboo chips by the principle of screw compression until the structure of raw materials is broken, and some components such as water, sugar and plant gum between plant fibers are squeezed out by forced extrusion,After squeezing out the juice from wood and bamboo plants,
the lignin dissolved in the process of cooking and pulping will be significantly reduced, shortening the cooking softening time and reducing the treatment cost of the dissolved solution.。The squeezed and dehydrated raw materials are hollow and loose in structure, which is beneficial to the absorption of liquid medicine and shortening cooking time。The squeezed fiber absorbs the liquid medicine quickly, and the liquid medicine can easily enter the fiber, so that the lignin in the raw material is degraded quickly。
The moisture content of bamboo chips and wood chips soaked at low temperature after being squeezed and dehydrated by this equipment is lower than 50%, which has reached the limit of squeezing and dehydration, which is convenient for transportation and reduces transportation cost。Another advantage of extrusion is to protect fibers, because bamboo, eucalyptus, poplar and other plants grow fast and have short fibers. In order to protect the fiber length and strength, it is very important to prepare materials and pretreatment before beating and refining
7、挤压疏解区;8、出料端口 1. Foundation plate; 2. DC motor; 3. reducer; 4. Hard connector;
5. Bearing body; 6. Feed inlet 7. Extrusion crushing area; 8. Discharge throat